This seems one of the few Satellite control/prediction systems that is Open-Source (which is a shame), but it is a nice program and has been around for some time.
I will not bother selecting Satellites, updating TLE's etc - as there is plenty of help for this.
Configuring Radio Access
In the
- Preferences
- Interfaces
Add you Radio Name. Now important thing to note, the IP Address is not the IP Address of the Radio, but the IP Address of the rigctld machine.
I entered the following
- ConfigName EB200
- Host localhost
- port 4522
And that was it. Note the values localhost and port (4522) you tested earlier.
At this point you need to select your next Satellite to work, and Select Radio-Control from a menu option.
I then Engage the Radio-Control
IC 7000 Settings
Find the Model number
rigctl -l | grep 7000
And I see
340 Icom IC-R7000 0.7.0 Alpha 360 Icom IC-7000 0.7.2 Beta
OK so it is the IC-7000 - model 360.
Lets Test we can talk to it
rigctl -m 360 -r /dev/cu.usbserial-FTDE0JY3 -s 19200
Now type f which means What frequency are you on ?
If we get the frequency on the screen .. things are looking good.
We now need to add RigCtrl-D - the Daemon, network protocol.
To start the controller then we do ...
rigctld -m 360 -r /dev/cu.usbserial-FTDE0JY3 -s 19200 --port=4532
This means we are listening on port 4532 - and will accept any IP Address.
To test this ...
echo "f" | nc -w 1 4532
And you should see the escaped frquency. And everything is OK....
If you select a SAT and it does not have a transponder settings (for Ham 99% are like this)
Do not fear this is what a TRSP file looks like
[Mode V Digitalker (Voices Messages and Telemetry)] DOWN_LOW=145950000 MODE=FM [Mode V Imaging (Robot 36 SSTV from onboard cameras)] DOWN_LOW=145950000 MODE=SSTV in FM carrier [Mode V Telemetry (1000 baud (400 baud backup))] DOWN_LOW=145920000 MODE=BPSK 1000 bps [Mode U/V (B) Linear Transponder] UP_LOW=435742000 UP_HIGH=435758000 DOWN_LOW=145922000 DOWN_HIGH=145938000 INVERT=true [Mode V TLM Beacon (CW-2, BPSK-1000)] DOWN_LOW=145919000 MODE=CW [Mode V TLM Beacon (CW-1, BPSK-400)] DOWN_LOW=145939000 MODE=CW
It needs to be named NOAA-Number.tsp i.e. 123456.trsp
and placed in ~/.config/Gpredict/trsp