
I use a vast amount of Software in my Ham radio hobby. This is partly due to I was a professional Software Engineer, but also it is becuase I believe that software is an ever increasing part of the hobby.

As I am a Mac user, this has a distinctly Mac focus. But if there is a best-of-class Windows product I will mention that as well.

I prefer writing my own software, or at least wrapping something around commercial systems.

Software I use

Contest Analysis

Commercial Packages


I used to use the following loggers

  • RumlogNG An exellent general purpose logger, contest software, and QSL tracking system. I still use this for all my QSL Tracking/LOTW stuff.

  • SkookumLogger A great contest logger - But different by design. Do not try and learn to use this 10 mins before CQWW... you will have a very bad time.

So what do I use now ?? I wrote my own... which for the moment is still work in progress.

Contest Recording

There is a requirement for most contests for the Top stations in their Category/Zone/World etc (it varies by contest) to have available a recording of their ENTIRE contest.

This is also in-house written, nd built into my Contest-logger.

Telnet Cluster Feeds

My main issue with SkookumLogger was the limitation of 1 Dx Cluster feed. So I wrote my own aggregator for Dx Clusters.

Additional features

  • Rules based on
    • Country
    • Distance
    • Mode
  • Block
    • Annoying/Stupid people

This aggregator also filters, the Skimmer data.

This is a seperate QT/C++ stand alone project.